Protestar, ¿por qué y para qué? Una propuesta de marco analítico para la contestación carcelaria reciente en España


  • César Lorenzo Rubio Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


The lack of studies related to prison unrests in the recent history of Spain, offers the possibility to undertake different approaches. One, in the same way as the approach proposed by social movements based on collective action, can be applied to the protests of ordinary prisoners during the transition from dictatorship to democracy, when the demand for a common cause unified prisoners against the state. Another approach, which emphasizes the possible failure of the prison organization and relegates the action of the prisoners to a mere reaction to these collapses, would better explain the wave of conflicts that erupted in the early nineties in different prisons. In both cases, the last word is not written yet.

Author Biography

César Lorenzo Rubio, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Research Papers