The criminalization of solidarity
A new instrument towards a crimmigration control in Chile
criminalization, solidarity, cimmigration control, civil society organizationAbstract
As a reaction of the population to the increase in 'irregular' migration in the city of Iquique, in addition to xenophobic protests against migrants, various actions and initiatives have been formed in solidarity with those affected, involving different actors and local civil society organizations. However, these pro-migrant organizations have experienced new forms of repression and criminalization by different actors. This article explores how the criminalization of solidarity has become a new instrument of crimmigration. For this purpose, problem-centered interviews were conducted with civil society organizations. It has been shown that the development of criminalization has both a legal-formal aspect resulting from a recent change in the Migration Law, but also that delegitimization and discrediting in public discourse and by political actors is another form of criminalization that affects the work and lives of members and is used as a new tool of migration control.
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