The protection of victims of trafficking in human beings through art. 4 of de European Convention on Human Rigths

Zoletic and others v. Azerbaijan (7 october 2021)




trafficking in human beings, forced labour, art. 4 ECHR, positive obligations


This paper analyses the Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights Zoletic and Others v. Azerbaijan of 7 October 2021. In this judgment, the Court sets out its jurisprudential doctrine in relation to the inclusion of trafficking in human beings within the scope of Art. 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights, analysing also what is to be understood by forced labour in the context of trafficking and Art. 4 itself. Finally, it specifies the content of the positive obligations of States, placing particular emphasis on the obligation of international cooperation between States.



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Dossier “Migration and trafficking. Some relevant judgments”