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Analysis of Supreme Court rulings 1140/2023 and 1141/2023 of 18 September and 1312/2023 of 24 October
aggravating factors, expulsion, irregularity, fine, proporcionalityAbstract
Twenty-four years later, three rulings of the High Court of Justice of the European Union and one of the Constitutional Court in the meantime, the Supreme Court returns to where it should never have left, to the principle of proportionality. This principle was established in multiple rulings, which it now recalls, handed down from 2005 onwards, as an unavoidable criterion when choosing between the sanction of a fine, the main reaction to illegal residence, or expulsion, only applicable when there is also some other aggravating circumstance.
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Referencias jurisprudenciales:
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de octubre de 2007, recurso casación 2260/2004.
de septiembre de 2006, recurso casación 5450/2003.

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