Extensional stresses in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera fold-and-thrust belt (northern Andes): insights from 2D finite element modeling
Finite element (FE) modeling, Elastic rock properties, Convergent displacement, Extensional stress field, Colombian Eastern CordilleraAbstract
Deformation and stress characteristics in the upper crust of the fold-and-thrust belt in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera were investigated by numerical analysis. The structural trend of Colombian Eastern Cordillera has long been considered a possible example of a true contraction orogen. The issue of the convergent displacement along an elastic structural body, which controls present-day deformation in this Cordillera is examined here. Modeling results are presented in terms of three parameters: 1) distributions, orientations, and magnitudes of principal stresses; 2) maximum shear stress (τmax) contour; and 3) proximity to failure of elements within faults. Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria with bulk rock properties are applied to analyze the faults. The model shows extensional stresses in the crust at shallow crustal levels (from surface to about 6 km) despite overall contraction, and contraction at depth is confirmed. Measurement results indicate that, for homogeneous crustal thickening, extensional stresses are concentrated in the Servita half-gaben and Bucaramanga fault systems, where the vertical thrust faults and thickening processes are located. Our two-dimensional (2D) modeling results emphasize that extensional stresses are still active along the vertical to sub-vertical fault system in the fold-and-thrust belt of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera.
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