The paleoecology and depositional model of the Oligo-Miocene coral reefs in the Mohammad Abad Area, the west of Baft, SW Kerman, Iran
Coral Reefs, Paleoecology, Oligo-Miocene, Baft, KermanAbstract
This paper deals with the Oligo-Miocene coral reefs in the Mohammadabad Area, W Baft, SW Kerman. The studied coral reefs include 11 families, 25 genera and 33 species of the scleractinian corals. The coral reef successions have deposited in three cycles on a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate platform. To understanding the paleoecology, reef architecture and depositional model of studied reefal successions, statistical analyses based on the coral niches, sedimentology analyses based on the grain size of the marly strata and microfacies analyses on limestone strata have used. Based on the statistical analyses, the coral community includes eight ecotypes. The distribution of these ecotypes indicates that, despite of various thicknesses, in all three coral reef successions, the branching and fast growth ecotypes are present at the basal parts and the massive, placoid and meandroid colonies are recorded in the slope, crest and distal parts of the reefs. The main disruptive phenomenon that stopped the reef development and affected the reef architecture has been the addition of clastic deposits to the carbonate system. This sediment load increase is recorded as marly strata. By The addition of clastic sediment load to the system, the carbonate content of the system has diluted, the salinity, water transparency and photic level is decreased, the favorable attachment hard substrate for coral polyps is limited, the nutrient and oxygen flux is disrupted and the coral reefs are suffocated.
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