Clypeina tibanai, sp. nov. (Polyphysaceae, Dasycladales, Chlorophyta), a mid-Cretaceous green alga from the Potiguar Basin, Brazilian margin of the young South Atlantic Ocean


  • B. GRANIER Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas. 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (USA).
  • D. DIAS-BRITO UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Center for Geosciences Applied to Petroleum (UNESPetro) and Departamento de Geologia Caixa Postal 178, Av. 24 A, n º 1515, Bela Vista, CEP13506-900 - Rio Claro -SP (Brazil)
  • I. I. BUCUR abeş-Bolyai University, Department of Geology and Center for Integrated Geological Studies. Str. M. Kogalniceanu nr.1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca (Romania)



Dasycladales, Polyphysaceae, Clypeina, cladosporate, Cretaceous, Albian, Cenomanian


The fossil genus Clypeina (Michelin, 1845) comprises some 40 species. We describe Clypeina tibanai, a new spe-cies from ? upper Albian–Cenomanian strata of the Potiguar Basin, Brazil, characterised by closely set verticils of tubular, bended laterals. It is compared with Clypeina hanabataensis Yabe & Toyama, 1949, a Late Jurassic species, and with Pseudoactinoporella fragilis (Conrad, 1970), an Early Cretaceous taxon. The new species be-longs to a short list of green algae found in the young South Atlantic oceanic corridor, an assemblage defining a phycological paleobioprovince discrete from that of the Tethyan realm.


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