Foraminifera of shallow and very shallow facies from the upper Eocene–lower Oligocene Kazandere Member, Soğucak Formation, Thrace Basin, northwest Turkey
Priabonian-early Oligocene, Kazandere member, Stratigraphy, Micro paleontology, Thrace BasinAbstract
The middle−upper Eocene to lower Oligocene Kazandere Limestone Member of the Soğucak Formation is widely represented in the Thrace Basin and rich in shallow-water marine foraminifera. Very shallow-water Priabonian facies described here include Borelis vonderschimitti, Borelis laxispira sp. nov., Chapmanina gassinensis, Chapmanina elongate sp. nov., Pfendericonusglobulus sp. nov., Orbitolites minimus,Coscinospira sp. Last occurrences of the aforementioned Priabonian species and first appearances of the shallow-water marine Rupelian species Nummulites fichteli, Nummulites vascus and Operculina complanata define the Eocene−Oligocene boundary in the new Kazandere Member at the northeast Thrace Basin.
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