New members of the Editorial Team Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal (new Coeditor in Chief) and Pablo Algarrada (new Copyeditor Assistant)


Lourdes Casanova, after almost 5 years of enthusiastic commitment and dedication to the journal steps down as Coeditor in Chief of Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business. All the team greatly acknowledges her many contributions to the advance of the journal in these years and wish her the best on her other many academic activities as Gail and Roberto Cañizares Director of the Emerging Markets Institute, and Professor at the Johnson Business School of Cornell University in the United States.

The journal welcomes two new members in the Editorial Team, active since 2024:

Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal, Professor at the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, and President of the Colombian Association of Economic Historians, as new Coeditor in Chief in collaboration with the other two Coeditors in Chief of the journal Paloma Fernández Pérez and Allan Discua Cruz.

Pablo Algarrada Vera, Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona in Spain, as new Copyeditor Assistant, in collaboration with our Journal technical manager Raimon Soler

All the editorial team of JESB wants to express gratitude to Professor Casanovas, and all the best in the new projects in the journal to Professor Rodriguez-Satizabal and our new Copyeditor Assistant Pablo Algarrada