From Dagongmei to Entrepreneurs: Unpacking the Emergence of Businesswomen in Shenzhen (1978–2000)
female entrepreneurship, dagongmei, Shenzhen, China, economic reformsAbstract
China's emergence as a global manufacturing leader has been well-documented, yet the role of Chinese women, particularly in private business activities, remains understudied. This paper explores the rise of female entrepreneurship during China’s economic reforms from 1978 to 2000, focusing on the special economic zone (SEZ) of Shenzhen, which became a hub for migrant female workers, known as Dagongmei (female workers). The central research question investigates how Dagongmei, despite facing challenging working conditions and gender inequality, transitioned from low-wage laborers to businesswomen within Shenzhen’s rapidly changing economic environment. This paper argues that, while these women endured unequal conditions, the open-market opportunities in Shenzhen motivated them to pursue further education and seek entrepreneurial ventures. A combination of macro- and microeconomic perspectives is used to analyze female labour participation in Shenzhen’s manufacturing sector, alongside social dimensions such as domestic responsibilities and educational backgrounds. The findings suggest that Shenzhen's business-friendly environment facilitated the emergence of a new class of businesswomen, contributing to China’s broader economic transformation. This study challenges prevailing narratives that view Dagongmei solely as victims of exploitation and instead highlights their role as active participants in shaping China’s entrepreneurial landscape.
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