Culture and university entrepreneurship


  • Leonel Corona Treviño Facultad de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Culture, University, Cultural entrepreneurship, Creative industries, Mexico


Latin American universities typically fulfil the functions of teaching, research and the dissemination of culture. To become entrepreneurial universities, they incorporate knowledge transfer or, more generally, the commercialization of academic research and involvement in socio-economic development. However, proposals have been made to treat culture as a horizontal activity that also encompasses the creation of university cultural enterprises. To achieve this requires the crossing of the Arts and Sciences and the promotion of the resulting knowledge transfer. Here, an exploratory study of 16 cultural firms in Mexico allows us to identify strategies aimed at enhancing the entrepreneurial potential of the universities’ cultural activities in the country.


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Author Biography

Leonel Corona Treviño, Facultad de Economía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Full Professor

CEPCyT, Center for Prospective Economics in Science and Tehcnology 

Economics Department, National University of Mexico


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How to Cite

Corona Treviño, Leonel. 2020. “Culture and University Entrepreneurship”. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 5 (1):265-83.