Novos recortes territoriais e aglomerações urbanas no sul do Brasil


  • Paulo Roberto Rodrigues Soares
  • Guilherme Afonso Halal
  • Daniel Godoy

Paraules clau:

new territorialities, metropolization, urban agglomerations, Rio Grande do Sul, urbanization


In the present the Brazilian urbanization is distinguished for an ample process of territorial reconstruction characterized by the "explosion" of the traditional forms of urban concentration and by the emergency of new spatial forms, continent of new territorialities of the social groups. In the interurban scale, new processes of deconcentration and spatial re-concentration of population, economic activities and information are produced. The cities of Pelotas and Great Rio are the main urban centers of the south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and form an agglomeration by contiguity of the urban tissue. In 2002, was established the “Aglomeração Urbana do Sul "(AUSUL) formed in the urban axis polarized by these two cities. The communication analyzes the processes of urban growth, functional integration and the dynamic of intraurban organization in the AUSUL. We also aim to compare its territorial model with other forms of metropolitan organization observed in different socio-spatial realities.


