La política de la demolición: renovación urbana y habitat social en Francia y en Colombia.


  • Juan Carlos Rojas Arias

Paraules clau:

demolition, urban policies, urban renewal, social housing, residential moving


This paper is based on a doctoral thesis in geography and urban planning, held at University of Toulouse, France and defended in June 2007. This thesis is dealing with a strong symbolic object, the demolition of the habitat as an object, a framework and urban renewal policies, and with its numerous dimensions. This thesis develops a transdisciplinary methodology articulating social sciences and architectural practices, and exploring interactions between the inhabitants of the city, urban policies and the built framework. This paper presents some theoretical elements on urban renewal, followed by a physical observation of various case studies in France and Colombia. The observation of the residential moving of the inhabitants makes it possible to reveal some contradictions generated by demolition in the life of the inhabitants. Confronting these various sources leads to produce both, an assessment, through the analysis of stakes of the demolition, and above all recommendation based on the paradigm of sustainable urban development.


