¿Neoliberalism or urban capitalfeudalism? Reflections about the urban question of Argentina


  • Vicente Di Cione


Capitalfeudalism, Urbanization, Socializacion, Neoliberalism, Socialism


Starting from the present features of the urbanization of Argentina and the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires, we intend to stand out the character capitalfeudalist of the urbanization sustained by the neoliberal culture. At the same time, we try to show the possibilities of construction of new “spaces of hope” (D.Harvey) in their interstices. The forms of the urban development connote the group of indispensable material and inmaterial devices of the sociability and enlarged socialization of the societies. For this reason “the urban thing” and the urban culture, as much in the cities as in the country, are the center of the interventions and objetivations of the political confrontations. The unequal, combined and contradictory territorialization forms of the agents and the political agencies are sufficiently eloquent. In general, in capitalist societies, the analysis of the sociability and socialization in the different “locales” and geographies of the social interaction shows the coexistence of a diversity of forms and paradigms, standing out the character flagrantly feudal of the neoliberal culture, which is centered in the privatisation of the “urban thing”.

