The process of participation in the plan of territorial ordering of the municipality of Tandil (Argentina)


  • Cecilia Erbiti
  • Elsa Marcela Guerrero
  • Alejandro Dillon


plan of territorial ordering, Tandil, participation


In the Municipality of Tandil, from 2003 principles, the Plan of Territorial Ordering is being elaborated. This one stands out by the application of a methodology characterized by the participation of the community in order to make actions to medium and long term. By the character of process in march, it is only possible to raise some strengths and weaknesses observed until the moment. Between first they are indicated: a) the used methodology presents/displays three characteristics:flexible methodology development and implementation of participative mechanisms and b), these last ones allowed "to open to the game" to the different actors of the community trying the commitment from all. The main detected weaknesses are: a) the lack of exercise of the local actors in processes of participative planning, b) the absence of a systemically approach to the problematic territorial and c), the difficulties to interpret the local processes in the context of the global transformations.

