The city, its space and its policy


  • Roque Juan Carrasco Aquino


city of the new millennium, city of the centralization, space merchandise and city of the capital


The city of this millennium faces serious contradictions and new paradoxes, from its forms of construction to the specificities that register in a scene that faces its instances of its appropriation. The structure of the city of this millennium presents/displays three rural elements that allow us to reconstruct the spaces and the urban structures and that are located in their area of influence. First, the city of the present produces new forms to live, to construct and to transform territorial them space physical of the urbanization process into our cities; second, the dynamics of migration of the rural population and the centers of population, they do not manage to cover the exigencies with the real estate market, that is to say, the exigencies of the speculative market and the own spaces of the migrant concentration are not territories for the investment and; third, the globalization process that next to mass media and information they demand of computerized specialized cities of character for the competition. These characteristics are not different fronts from the capital that as much destroys, reconstructs and transforms the cities the small ones, medium and great large cities like for the reproduction of the capital that maintains the relations of capitalist production in damage of the great majorities of the inhabitant of the field and the cities: city of and for the capital; space merchandise and of valuation.

