Urban farmers and occupation of the space in the northeast Santiago of Cali


  • Hernando Uribe Castro


urban agriculture, urban farmers, access to earth and occupation of the space


Since final of the 60’s in Santiago de Cali, several groups of people have been seating on the dikes of the rivers Cali and Cauca, areas considered by the local authorities as non capable spaces for urbanization processes. Although the phenomenon pretends to be a simple process of illegal taking of lands, in the bottom it is more complex, because the course that the facts have taken in the last years evidence that the number of people seated on these spaces at the 2005, 35.000 people overcame; some of them organized in an association of urban farmers, dedicating areas to this activity, while most of the seated population no. These last ones have become the focus of the problem of the dikes and it has been toward them on those that it has been implemented the politicians of evict of the local government. The interest is initially to observe the incidence of the migratory processes and of urbanization and its incidence on the configuration of what we could call a "urban agriculture" in Cali, to later observe the special case of the dikes. Because the phenomenon even today continuous, we cannot present in this document conclusions, reason for which we say that this work is hardly introductory and of presentation of the phenomenon that makes part of the academic, political current debate and public.




