The residential diffusion in the rural space of the island of Majorca in the Nineties. New contributions for a correct interpretation of the call "third tourist boom"


  • Jaume Binimelis Sebastián


Majorca, rural change, residential transformation


The article analyzes the rural change in the island of Majorca from the optics of the residential colonization of the rural space. In fact, one affirms that the process of residential transformation is one of the main factors of the rural change. In the article, great part of the work made on this thematic one is reviewed and the study of the process of residential transformation from the analysis of the data of the Topographic map is updated National scale 1:50.000 of 2002. The obtained results serve to discuss to the validity in the definition of the call Third Boom, stage of strong city-planning and residential growth of the Nineties, and allow to undermine the foundations of which agricultural arc was denominated, perhaps, an intellectual construction of little foundation and weak adjustment to the reality.




