The socio-spatial differences among family-owned coffee farms in the amazon


  • Jacob Binsztok


Coffee, Amazon, Socio-spatial


We analyze the socio-spatial arrangements adopted by coffee producers in the Southern Amazon, particularly the eastern part of the State of Rondonia. For this purpose a research was conducted during the 70s involving the farms cultivated by settlers from the State of Espirito Santo. This research showed the existence of two communities which regardless of their proximity presented distinct arrangements typical of their places of origin, reproduced in the Southern Amazon. We verified that their structure of commercialization is still based in Espirito Santo, forcing the product to be shipped over long distances to the ports of Vitoria or Paranagua instead of routing it through Porto Velho which would reduce the cost of transportation. These results mainly form the trust relationship between the producers and intermediaries with no regard to a geo-economic rationalization. In respect to their local attitude, the producers from Italian origin and those of Germam background do not develop active interaction; they constructed a community which still maintains reduced levels of social relationship.

