The natural protected areas of Mexico. From the beginnings to its consolidation


  • Javier Castañeda Rincón


Conservative politics, Economic interests, protected natural areas system


To make a reflection about the protected natural areas of Mexico, particularly from its origins at the end of the XIX century until its consolidation in the XX century, is a journey that looks for to identify the first manifestations of the conservation of the natural resources during the Porfiriato, especially the forest ones that served as detonator in the protection of other associate resources as the fauna, the water and the floor, until consolidating a system of natural areas that incorporated representative landscapes of the country. With it is looked for to contribute new elements to the discussion about the motivations and interests of all type that were in game in the protection of the flora and the fauna, recreating the different politicians of the Mexican state and their repercussions in the movement conserving of the time. Making emphasis in the cardenista period between 1934 and 1940, characterized by a great effort of revaluation of the natural areas. Particularly, with the creation of national parks and other reservations that tried to brake and to delimit the growth of the urban frontier that implied the deterioration and disappearance of the forest areas.

