La descentralización y la ordenación del territorio en Venezuela: estrategias hacia la modernidad.


  • Rosa M. Estaba


The descentralization, a megatendency associated to the globalization, stars up in Venezuela after 150 years of republican centralism, of which only 40 years correspond to the civils' democratic centralism. During this last period it started the edification of the present Venezuela and it appears the land use planning as a novel and modernist strategy. After an evaluation of the historical process of the formation of the society and its space, it is carried out the examination of politics related whith the populism and statism that explain the crisis of the model of development adopted at the time, and from this perspective, the proposition of the goverment centralism managing Venezuela since the beginning of 1999. The proporsal is to deppen in the partiipatives descentralization and land use planning, in order to get in syntony whith the global worl.




