Urban solutions: beyond theoretical debates


  • Nubis Pulido
  • Delfina Trinca Fighera


globalization, urban space, urban problems, Venezuela


The research on globalization and urban space is oriented by two trends. The first trend focuses on highlighting the positive aspects of globalization as well as the need for cities to grow strong through taking advantage of globalization effects. The second trend emphasizes the negative aspects of this process, such as the growing indicators of poverty, exclusion and environmental degradation. What is true, beyond these opposing ideological attitudes, is that many problems associated with urban growth are prone to increase. Despite its new political orientation, Venezuela has not escaped this situation. To mitigate the urban problems in this country we need concrete proposals. Our proposal is to adopt, from an eclectic point of view, a broader range of possibilities to treat and solve urban problems instead of limiting ourselves to one trend or another.

