Building social parks:Proposal of urban nodes of inclusion for the area of Abasto in Buenos Aires


  • Gustavo Diéguez
  • Guillermo Tella


social park, urban nodes, civic instruments, public space, supportive practices


The area of Abasto in Buenos Aires has historically developed with an urban scheme opened character where the street, the corner or the square were civic instruments of social cohesion. Nevertheless, processes that break with these growth sequences by means of strengthened enclave which encase activities, fragment territories, expel population, has been established in the whole city in the last decades. In this frame, we have elaborated a proposal of intervention based on a collective process that tends to re-signify the public space for supportive practices. It consists in the implementation of a “Social Park”, in a way of an inclusion urban nodes system that establishes loops of containment. That social park strengthens neighbourhood relations, offers new opportunities to the community and looks for recovering social values in struggle.

