The Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul as an Environmental Sustentability Pole of Meridional Brazil


  • Tânia Marques Strohaecker
  • Elírio E. Toldo Jr.


urbanization, territorial dynamic, regional development, environmental sustentability pole, Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul


In the Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul the urbanization process has broadened, among other factors, a transformation of the natural landscape. The aim of this work is the proposition of directives and instruments of action to subsidize politics of regional development and to project the Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul as an environmental sustentability pole. Among the specific objectives could be pointed out that: the urbanization development phases; the municipal socioeconomic profiles; the great socio environmental demands; the potenciatilities and tendencies of regional development. The production of two graphic models on the territorial dynamic and the proposition of directives of regional character stand out as original contributions.

