Industrial transformations in Buenos Aires metropolitan fringe. Pilar as a representative district


  • Luis E. Briano
  • Federico J. Fritzsche


ndustrial development, urban development, territorial transformations, industrial policy, local scale, metropolitan scale


Recent territorial transformations which characterize Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region (RMBA), are representatively present in Pilar district (third belt) in a smaller scale: new centres, strengthen by modernization in transport and communications infrastructure, segregated and “self-segregated” urban spaces (residential, industrial and services) coexisting with periurban horticulture. This paper studies industrial development of this district in metropolitan fringe, which is explained mainly by Parque Industrial Pilar performance, during “plan de convertibilidad” as well as after 2002 devaluation. Finally, it argues since the separation between industrial development and lack of a coordinated urban development policy in RMBA scale.

