Social networks in assisted territories


  • Luciano Antonio Furini
  • Eda Maria Góes


social networks, territories, social representations, Presidente Prudente– SP – Brazil


The territorialization of the social assistance actions by means of the formation of social networks of integral protection to children and adolescents is a characteristic of the city of Presidente Prudente (SP) (located at the southeast of Brazil). It is identified that the production of urban space, in relation to the social assistance, takes place by means of thematic social networks with tendency of hierarchy or autonomy. Based on these tendencies, public politics of struggling poorness or social exclusion are consolidated. However, the politic posture of the social assistance technicians showed factor of eminence to make these public politics effective, diminishing or enlarging the inclusion and efficiency of the same. The small occurrence of compass of popular participation points to the existing limits, that obstruct a efficient social cover to the poor populations. The thematic social networks researched don’t reach a stair head of autonomy that enables new ways to struggle the social issues of the city.

