Thinking about the nurture social space considering the family agriculture


  • Clécio Azevedo da Silva


family agriculture, nurture social space, spatial circuits of production, distribution, consumption


The rural development must take into account the existence of functions of family agriculture related to security and a quality in the food supply. However, any injunction on this matter will be determined by a series of operations connecting production and consumption, connecting geographically dispersed agents and places. One may conceive a “space of social feed” divided into places of production, transformation, distribution and consumption - each of these connected by hierarchical and/or reciprocal relations. The concept “economic circuits” contributes to the study of the nature and the forms of the participation of family agriculture into the space of social feed, because such a concept considers the connections between places as a process of social-spatial construction. The use of these concepts enables the strategies of action that respect this specific social actor into developmental processes.

