Productive restructuration and urban restructuration in the State of São Paulo, Brazil


  • Eliseu Savério Sposito


industrial localization, productive reestructuration, axis of development, urban reestructuration, territory, middle cities


In São Paulo State, Brazil, movements of deconcentration of productive industrial activity comes together with the centralization of capital within the metropolis. New patterns of industrial localization show the formation of transport and communication axes which are chosen by the enterprises, making these territories to be differenciated by their density of investments and of implantation of industrial settings with strong technological components. Metropolitan and non-metropolitan agglomerations, and middle-cities in an urban network experience a total redefinition of their roles, allowing us to affirm: - urban reestructuration resulting in the alteration of relations among cities in São Paulo State, and among those cities and other cities in Brazil and foreign lands; - changes in the logic of organization of internal spaces of the cities conforming a restructuration of the city.

