Influence of household formation and housing tenure of young population on the European housing systems’ evolution


  • Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo
  • Celia Fernández-Carro
  • Julián López Colás


housing system, comparative analysis, tenure headship rates, household formation, Europe


The relationship between homeownership regimes and demographic variables has been interestingly used by Mulder and Billari. Following this antecedent, we propose a classification of European countries that takes in account the household formation. Another interesting suggestion comes from Yu and Myers. They transformed tenure rates, normally calculated as the proportion of households that are home owners or renters, into a headship rate specific by tenure. This rate measures the propensity to form an independent household and to be a homeowner or a renter. A typology of European countries in 4 groups is proposed, focused on residential experience of young people. These groups are organized along two independent dimensions: household formation circumstances in direct relation to market accessibility, and the weight of a rapid access to homeownership.


