The metropolis and the territories of the violence: approaches to the territory of homicidal violence around federal district


  • Marizângela Aparecida de Bortolo Pinto
  • Marília Luiza Peluso


Homicidal Violence, Around Federal District, Territory of Homicidal Violence


This article aims to discuss the issues confronting the contemporary metropolis as an area of Homicidal Violence, as well as the processes that involve the configuration of the Federal District as a Territory of Homicidal Violence. The borders of the capital of the Republic has shown high rates of violent crime, which raises discussions about their motivations. Starting from three premises: the first points to social and economic problems that make the metropolis a place of latent conflicts; the second suggests that the fragmented metropolitan area produces and reproduces the conditions for violence. The third points to a territory marked by discontinuity in the surrounding of equipment and public policies that reveal strategies for the use and control of space. Therefore, the definition of the Territory of Homicidal Violence adheres to the establishment of an Excluded Territory.