The Metropolitan Region of Salvador in Brazilian urban network and its internal configuration


  • Sylvio Bandeira de Mello e Silva
  • Barbara-Christine Nentwig Silva
  • Maina Pirajá Silva


Salvador, metropolitan region, metropolitan development


Considering the growing integration of the Brazilian metropolitan system and the recent transformations in the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS), this paper assesses the position of Salvador and its metropolitan region in the national metropolitan context and analyzes the structure and dynamics of the RMS in the State of Bahia and its management problems. In Brazil, the RMS occupies the 8th position in population, gross domestic product and per capita income. The RMS has a strong industrial and service base, but in terms of corporate management does not stand out on the national scene. In the composition of the regional GDP, five municipalities have the industry as the most important sector. The service sector is the main sector in eight municipalities. With respect to territorial management, RMS has problems since there is no metropolitan authority with budgetary resources that promote a metropolitan management system to solve social and economic infrastructure problems


