Relational identity and displacement. Nomadic subjectivity from contemporary art and philosophy


  • Mireia Feliu Fabra


nomadic subjectivity, relational identity, displacement, Braidotti, contemporary art


In the contemporary globalization process context, access to dominant mobility today acts as a mark of social hierarchy and cultural homogenization. Nomadic subjectivity is conceived as a critical strategy that proposes a mobility based on experience, breaking with the centralized, normative and no-situated organization of modern tradition. From contemporary art and philosophy, as well as from an itinerant awareness, nomad subjectivity puts on movement certain concepts that were considered universal in the past. In this direction, nomadic subjectivity conceives identity as a becoming, as an other, as a periphery: decentralized and multistratified, a line of flight among layers often contradictory (gender, race, sexual orientation, politics options, religion, etc). This relational subjectivity implies a political responsability able to move among codes and differences. Nomadic subjectivity means displacement, an intransitive, horizontal and also situated becoming. As the derive strategy in generic city, nomadic subjectivity avoids hegemonic discourses, because it assumes complexity and aims to generate, through a displacement experience, spaces for encounters, relationships and meaning.