The invention of a geopolitical concept: the Strait of Gibraltar in Antiquity (I-III c. A.C.)


  • Lluís Pons Pujol


Strait of Gibraltar, Baetica, Mauretania Tingitana, Roman Empire


The term “Circle of the Strait” was created by M. Tarradell to explain a socioeconomic reality particular to the punic world of the area of Strait of Gibraltar on an specific chronology (fourth-third centuries BC.). M. Ponsich would later extend the chronology of this concept to the Early Empire. Researchers have only started recently to reflect about the unity and validity of this concept for the Punic and Roman republican periods. In our opinion, the necessary process to restudy the concept of the Early Empire (first to third centuries AD) has not started yet. The geologic, climatic and faunal similarities of both seashores of the Strait are undeniable but the term that we are analysing here cannot depend on these similarities. We will discuss how political geography has been used by researchers of this subject in relation to this area in the Early Empire. On the other hand we will also discuss the use and abuse of the term “Circle of the Strait” in the historiography; it has been used to justify the gaps in the data, as well as a frequent common-place term


