The historical and aestetic value of landscape. Codes to understand the vulnerability of the interface urban-forest face the fire


  • Anna Badia
  • Natàlia Valldeperas


Legislation in WUI, resilience, forest transition, land use planning


The crisis in traditional forest and farming activities that began in the second half of the 20th century has given way to a new territorial structure, characterized by greater forest density and an acceleration of urban sprawl, which has affected the impact of fires on the territory and especially on the inhabitants. Land use and land cover change and forest transition are probably the most important factors in overall environmental change. One of the changes in land use that has been widely studied and debated is the growth of urbanized zones. The primary contribution of this study is to provide the conceptual framework to understand the vulnerability and the lack of adaptation of the population in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). The starting point is a discussion of the historical and aesthetic landscape values from a different point of view: value of the landscape, land use and land cover change and forest transition theory, urban sprawl in WUI, and current legislation


