Networked Geography at the beginning of the Third Millennium: for a solidary and collaborative science.


  • Horacio Capel


networked geography, Web 2 and geography, Internet, cyberspace


Internet has undergone very deep changes with the generalization of what is known as Web 2. Users are also actively involved in data entry, in the creation and modification of network content. It allows and encourages interaction and collaboration, as evidenced in social networks, wikis and folcsonomies. The Web 2 is also changing communication in science, and some aspects of scientific activity. Geography has been one of the disciplines that has experienced a greater impact with the change of Internet, which has opened new possibilities for the dissemination and new uses of new technologies of geographic information and the possibility of making maps in collaboration with volunteers introducing geographical data, which has been called Neogeography. The paper presents an agenda for geographers, with the view to making a supportive and collaborative science, which responds to the needs of the current moment.




