Brazilian Federative Pact: meso-regions, RIDEs and public consortiums.


  • Reinaldo Santos Andrade


triadic federalism, regional development, territorial development, neodecisionism


Brazilian society is committed to improve the design of its federative pact that, despite of recognize the full autonomy of federative beings, is still competitive and asymmetric. Brazilian triadic federalism emphasizes the hegemony of the Executive power and the Union, the uses (elitist and corporative) of the innovative territorial arrangements and operates, through the National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR), the innovative concepts, such as: "geo-economic complex”, "differentiated meso-region”, "integrated region of development” and “public consortium”. This paper aims evaluate the effectiveness of some tools oriented to Brazilian regional development. The cooperative federalism can optimize investments on national territory and the social and economic inclusion of the agents via endogenous regional development – the integrated actions and public policies oriented to the improvement of the social capital, participatory management, mobilization and co-ordination between institutions and civil society.

