Territorial regularization at the metropolitan area of the Mexico City (1970-2002): An instrument disengage from the police of zonnig.


  • Elías Huamán


rregular land and regularization, urban planning


This paper addresses the regularization politic of urban land tenure in the metropolitan area,of the Mexico city, taking particular account of government action, the system of land tenure and income levels of the target population. That is, on one hand we see the actions and instruments, and the other favorable factors for the implementation of programs and / or obstacles that affect their dynamics. To finally meet the population's response to these policies, in accordance with the system of land tenure and income levels. The study covers 1970 to 2002, from 1970 the need for this adjustment shall be made in urban programs, due to the increase in squatter settlements and social pressures of the people, claiming legitimacy of property, obtaining urban services and equipment. In more than three decades, government policies to stabilize have evolved into major components of urban policies. The changes in its instruments and mechanisms were institutionalized through several governments as a result of the mediation of four elements: the constant social pressures, the six-year political career, the provision of administrative and financial resources, and economic capacity population. Thus, the actions promoted by different policies, have led to different responses of the social sectors according to the type of property. The private land is regularized in greater proportion than the ejido, even with the reforms of art. 27 of the Constitution, the regularization of ejido land tenure continues to present difficulties. And while higher income groups regularize their land without difficulty, the lowest income have trouble covering the cost of adjustment. In conclusion, regularization of land tenure for urban housing now accounts for government action appeal while challenging political, social and economic, both magnified operations provides the process and the difficulties encountered by interest the official agenda in terms of legitimacy. Aspects according to the electoral and fiscal potential of the territory, ultimately determine the degree of involvement and government intervention. Thus easing the joint housing policy with land use and population dynamics, which leads to not enough to meet demand and promote fitness floor with housing and infrastructure development and basic public services for social housing.

