Implementing a periurban agriculture protection program for food supply to Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area: Experiences in Pilar county.


  • Andrés Barsky
  • Sofía Astelarra
  • Silvia Luciana Galván


periurban, horticulture, state, good practices, bolivian market gardeners, vulnerability


In the last decades, Pilar, a periurban county that belongs to Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region, has been the most affected by accelerated urbanization. This paper tends to analyse a current “good practices” program that has been developed with horticulturalists for the last three years. This initiative, signed by the Municipality of Pilar and the National Institute for Agricultural Technology, was directed to bolivian market gardeners. Considering the recent creation of a new national agency specialized in urban and periurban agriculture, the main objective is to suggest that these experiences could be incorporated in its agenda, to generate effective actions to protect periurban areas.

