Socio-spatial dynamics vs. public policy of urban heritage conservation. The case of the historical center of Bogota (1994-2010)


  • Thierry Lulle
  • Amparo de Urbina


public policy, conservation, urban heritage, historic center of Bogotá, housing


The rapid urbanization of Latin American cities have had a direct and indirect impact in their centers, especially its historic centers, affecting their spatial dynamics, demographic, economic, cultural. The historic center of Bogotá has not been immune to this situation. In order to revitalize it, since the early 1980s, a series of urban and cultural policies have been designed and partially implemented both in the field of urban renewal and the conservation of urban heritage built. It seems that lately the subject of a certain shift. These policies will be assessed and their impacts in the light of the nature of the socio-spatial transformations of the historic center during the past 16 years (1994-2010).

