Strategic plans: a participative process or a new management strategy? The Mar del Plata´s case.


  • Mirta Susana Gonzále
  • Alberto Roque Villavicencio


cities, actor, state, strategic planning


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the influence's notion of “unique-thought” on strategic city planning and at the same time confirm the hypothesis formulated by Carlos Vainer and other authors, who mention the simplistic adaptation of the strategic planning model focused on the promotion of city image and the improvement of most controversial aspects of the “postmodern” cities such as marketing and competitiveness, quite necessary subjects in order to attract foreign investments. In this speech about city structures, concepts strongly based on marketing strategies such as competitiveness, equity, efficiency, city ranking, connected town, flexible, strategic enterprise management, are frequently mentioned, as it were a merchandise to be “sold”. The aim is not to criticise strategic planning per se but to take into account that the speeches associated with the concept of “unique-thought” seem to play down the existing conflict and differences. Therefore it is necessary to undo the consensus by introducing the conflict as a significant aspect of strategic planning.

