614. Resistance, oil and armed conflict in the Andean Amazon: analysis from the critical geography and political sociology of the socio-environmental conflict of the Bloque San Juan”


  • Juan Francisco Azuero Melo Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais, Agricultura e Sociedade – Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janerio (CPDA –UFRRJ).




Putumayo, Socio-Environmental Conflict, Territorial Turn, Political Opportunity Structure, Pragmatic Sociology.


This article analyses the socio-environmental conflict of the Bloque San Juan (Putumayo, Colombia) between the local community -represented by the Asociación Ambiental El Salado de los Loros- and the oil company Gran Tierra Energy Inc. With the objective of understanding the territorial and sociopolitical perspectives of the conflict in a relational way, an interdisciplinary dialogue between the territorial turn, the pragmatic sociology and the political opportunity structure it’s proposed. As a conclusion the notions of restrictions and political opportunities, repertoires of action, territorial-frames, experience contexts and processes of appropriation of space (territorialization), are presented as constitutive elements of the conflict, insofar, each one is fundamental within its evolution.

Author Biography

Juan Francisco Azuero Melo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais, Agricultura e Sociedade – Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janerio (CPDA –UFRRJ).

Antropólogo e Historiador, Maestro en Ciencias Sociales y Desarrollo Rural.




