The "caipira" (countryside man)´s place inside the modernization process


  • Neusa de Fátima Mariano


caipira, culture, market, capital accumulation, work, Jáú


The text we present now is part of a research of mastership level that is still in development. The aim, in this context, is the understanding of the "caipira" culture in a moment of our society in which the market economy shows itself increasingly aggressive regarding the competitiveness. The " caipira", during much time, kept isolated from the work world, not because of the lack of opportunities, but because of the lack of necessity. In "caipira"´s way of life, the capital accumulation didn’t make sense, that’s why rusticity is one of "caipira"’s characteristics. Because the increasingly necessity of capital accumulation by the modern society, the "caipira" becomes also an employ and his way of life becomes totally inside of the market world. This is the process that is occurring to the " caipira" from Jáú, a little city of São Paulo state.

