Turism, inovations and disarticulation of traditional activities


  • Fernando Roque de Lima


Desarrollo local, Turismo y modernización, Innovación y administración de bienes sociales, Identidad cultural y desarrollo local, Educación, innovación y desarrollo endógeno


Studies the social caracteristics that shows up the cultural identity of the places that makes part of Itaparica Island. It is ment tounderstand everyday the social references assuming the transformations that had occured in the social and economical definement of time and space, influenced by the turism and vacation. The society transformationsemphasizing the education and the new knowledge makes the turism the element that values the social benefits of turistic interests that establishes the local development. Discusses the oportunity of adopting a new perspective in finding a solution for the socialdemand which has the possibility of creating great conditions for the inovation, to the development of the endogenous nature. Defends the need of adopting resorces considering cultural caracteristics, in the local development plans, wanting with this, maximization of investments that brings general consume.

