Innovation and urban renewal. The historical center case of Salvador, Bahia in Brasil


  • Juarez Duarte Bonfim


historical center, Salvador of Bahia, population, lumpen, urban regeneration


This article deals with the transformations occurred in the historical center of Salvador, Bahia, in Brasil from the XVIth century to the present time, and its social and urban consequences. The downtown area, that was sheltering nearly all the functions until beginning of XXth century, goes through a centrifugal migration process and change of population that carries to physical and social degradation, until when in the last quarter of this century it began some attempts of regeneration, which include the discussion on the poor population profile, resident in precarious conditions and characterized as lumpen, whith that implies for the patrimonial protection and the destination of this people. Unwillingly to exhaust the matter, it discuss the government actions for rehabilitation of the historical city and the reflexes in social and urban tissue. On one hand developing the "operation deportation" of the marginalized population, and on the other hand, reinstating the historical center of the city to the use and frequency of citizens through settlement changes, infrastructure improvements and safety.

