649. Post-industrial city and socio-residential dynamics in Spain: a comparative analysis of five metropolises
social inequality, socio-residential structuring, quartered cityAbstract
The debate on the socio-residential effects of globalization and deindustrialization in large cities has marked since the 90s the scientific production around the urban socio-residential structuring. This research is based on the Quartered City theoretical model, emerged in that debate, to study the evolution of the main Spanish metropolis. The objectives are to verify if the socio-residential structure is increasingly fragmenting and polarising and whether both processes are associated with factors linked to deindustrialization and globalisation. In the same vein, the incidence of other demographic, geographic factors and the impact of the crisis is also tested. The results support the explanatory capacity of this theoretical model in the Spanish context, confirming an increase in urban fragmentation and socio-residential polarisation in most of the metropolises studied.References
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