650. The paradigm of commonality and the energy management in Spain: opportunities for convergence between differents


  • Ekhi Atutxa Ordeñana Universidad de Deusto
  • Imanol Zubero Beascoechea UPV/EHU
  • Iñigo Calvo-Sotomayor Universidad de Deusto




energy, alternative, commons, transversality, graduality


In the search for alternatives of the current energetic model, capable of promoting the ecological and social transition, the renewed commons paradigm and its crystallization in the Spanish energy field seems to open the door to a real possibility of convergence between heterogeneous and disparate practices. Through the identification and qualitative analysis of local (self) transformative practices that, in a democratic and cooperative way, promote an eco-social transition in the field of energy, this article shows the transversality potential of the commons paradigm. Moreover, it highlights how the commons allow the mutual recognition of heterogeneous practices that from the local collective action share the same horizon in response to problems that have reached a global dimension.


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