Counterurbanisation: a methodological and conceptual discussion on the metropolitan areas dynamics


  • Mercedes Arroyo Huguet


counterurbanisation, population models, multipolarity


This paper is organized about the counterurbanisation phenomenon and with regard on the conceptual and methodological debate since his definition by the american geographer Brian Berry in 1976. Counterurbanisation is observed as a clean break in the population models in strongly industrialized countries.Different causes were attributed to counterurbanisation which lead to diverse conclusions.Depending on the assumed viewpoint, counterurbanisation can be considered a mere prolongation of previous urbanization processes or, on the contrary, by a change of way in the urban population models, still scarcered studied. From the geographical viewpoint, it has introduced a reasonable question over the urban hierarchie and the centre-periphery notions –characteristics of the metropolitan areas traditional valorations-which should be replaced by a multipolarity concept, linked with a less hierarchical urban structure, and more explanatory of a new territorial organization based upon systems of cities.




