A Leonese autonomous community on a mutating political map of Spain? An urgent interpretation of the early 2020 Lexit under the new regional geography





New Regional Geography, region, autonomous community, Leon, Spain, Lexit


 At the end of 2019, the development of a process called Lexit was launched, through which, based on motions presented to local councils, it is hoped to achieve a Leonese autonomous community detached from the current Castile and Leon. This process is interpreted by giving a voice to its main figures and making use of the theoretical frame of the New Regional Geography (NRG). The interviews carried out to that effect indicate a very pessimistic interpretation of Leon and its administrative belonging, in terms of grievance, in which the Lexit emerges as a desired reality, albeit difficult to attain. In this particular case, the interpretations of the NRG placing the emphasis on social, economic and political aspects are more relevant than those centred on discursive and cultural ones.

Author Biographies

Valerià Paül Carril, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Departamento de Xeografía

Profesor contratado doutor

Roberto Vila Lage, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Departamento de Xeografía

Investigador predoutoral FPU

Alejandro Otero Varela, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Departamento de Xeografía

Investigador predoutoral FPU

Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Departamento de Xeografía

Profesor axudante doutor


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