The bordering of the urban periphery of Madrid


  • Candela Morado Castresana



urban informality, marginality, urban inequality, border.


In this paper we address the formation of urban border territories through the case study of Cañada Real Galiana. Through a qualitative study focused on interviews, drifts and documentary analysis, we will deploy four analytical orders: legal, territorial, media and embodied discourse. Thus, we will explore how the physical, symbolic and temporal border of the city of Madrid are built and sustained, assuming that the Cañada Real exemplifies its east-south limit, but also the limit of the civilized with a space without law or order. The geographical and epistemic concept of “border” is characterized by four elements: successive urban designs, bollards, mud and rubble. In short, we will articulate a story that reveals the Cañada Real as a border area capable of activating a deep debate about disorder, segregation, stigma and rupture of a possible future horizon.


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