Counter-mapping in social work: A critical and atmospheric practice to rethink urban space




contra-mapeo, atmósfera, pedagogía crítica, métodos de investigación innovadores, espacio social, espacio urbano


In recent years, the neoliberal policies related to higher education have conditioned universities to be mercantilist spaces, making difference invisible. This article analyses a university teaching project carried out in social education studies at a Spanish university. The project aimed to generate learning situations so that future social educators could critically reflect on how power relations are produced and maintained in urban space. For this, the students used the counter-mapping technique, which aims to make power relations and inequalities visible, in order to critically reflect on the experiences and practices in those spaces. The article investigates data in the form of cartographies and student narratives, showing the benefits of moving education outside the classroom and interacting with space and its ways of life to specify training practices consistent with current social realities.

Author Biographies

Daniel Gutiérrez-Ujaque, Universidad de Lleida

Doctor en Educación, Sociedad y Calidad de Vida. Actualmente docente de educación primaria y profesor asociado en el departamento de pedagogía de la Universidad de Lleida. 

Dharman Jeyasingham, Universidad de Manchester

Doctor en trabajo social. Profesor de trabajo social en el departament de infermería y trabajo social de la Universidad de Manchester


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